
The Pathological Truth Journal

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Archive for the ‘life’ Category

1. This Is Just A Vacation
I’ve worked most of my life.  I really needed a break.  I can finally get some rest!

2. Sending Out Resumes To Appropriate Job Positions
It shouldn’t take too long to get a new job.

3. Work on Dream Projects
Now I have time to finally work on that screenplay about a Korean restaurant in America.

I hope something comes in soon but we are getting by fine. 

5. Evaluation
I wonder why I’m not getting any job offers.  Maybe I should examine my strengths and have someone look over my resume.

6. Finish Projects Out Of Boredom
Well, the garage is clean.  I think there is time to start on the basement.

7. More Bills
How can our heating bill be $200?

8. Desperate Re-evaluation
Maybe I was always meant to be a cattle roper or a clown.

9. Sending Out Resumes Anywhere
At least the Colonel is willing to pay me if I fry for him.

10. Acceptance of Any Job
Yes. I definitely want to join the world of professional competitive bug wrestling.

And if you want to hire me I am still looking.

This is an amazing video from Whitestone Motion Picture.  As someone who grew up steeped in Civil War and post-Civil War era language, costumes and Appalachian scenery (and accents) that part grabbed me initially.  The story is incredible and very powerful.  The music is perfect.  Really.  Check it out.

Blood On My Name – Vimeo


8:13 by JMS

This is also the piece in the nifty little play box down at the bottom there (different arrangement).  I woke up this morning with music in my head which is very very typical for me.  Unfortunately, the sound evaporates quickly and all that is usually left is a feeling.  So, I was extremely pleased that I was able to get at least a version of the piece written down before that happened.  By 8:13AM I was finished sketching all of the parts.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


We are screwed.  Every single one of us on this planet is completely screwed.  We will never live in harmony.  Life won’t even be close to perfect.  It will be so far from perfect that it will often be downright shitty.  No one can understand one another.  All of us listen to our own faults as we hear others.  The jealous believe all people are jealous.  The cowardly believe everyone is afraid.  We will never get along.

Despite all of the protest to the contrary the self is all that matters to each of us.  You can not infringe upon me and if you try then I have the right to destroy you.  Then the biggest, the meanest, those most willing to completely destroy others are the only ones to win so everyone gets a little tougher.  The tension increases a little more until we are on the brink of war.  And we fight to win.  Brother against brother, daughter against mother, neighbor against neighbor until we are all dead.

This is not a call to peace.  We can’t do that.  We can not love, we can not be kind because we can’t trust one another for any length of time.  So, this is not a call to some idealistic and unreasonable goal. 

This is a call to repent.  This is a call to truly forgive, to erase the sentence and the guilt entirely.  That is the most of which we are capable.  Of course, even this much we get wrong most of the time.  Every time someone asks for forgiveness give it because everyone needs it.  All of us are at times hypocrites, cruel, spiteful and full of hate.  All of us need to be forgiven.

Today my husband and I celebrated our anniversary.  It has been 13 years.  I am so blessed to have a man who loves me as much as he does.  So today we went out for a bit.  We had lunch at Seoul Grill in Glendale and grilled Korean style for the first time.  (Thank you to the people there for taking care of us.)  The people who work there are very nice and asked us if we had any other plans.  We didn’t.  There were no major plans other than to go home and watch LOST together after eating lunch.

So, we had a small feast together.  It was a lot of fun and the food was great.  But it was even more special just because my husband was with me.  He is without a doubt my most favorite person in the world and even after 13 years together I enjoy spending time with him.  I like to go out and I like to do lots of different activities.  Still, it matters more to me who I am doing those things with more than what I am doing.  A good person can make a bad situation into something tolerable and a good situation into something great.  I am thankful that I have that person and I get to be married to him.


My big tricolored rabbit is not doing well.  He was adamant that he had to be near me and then had some sort of episode followed by rapid breathing.  Although he looks fine now, alert and without any pain something is not right with him.  Of course, this happens when my husband is out of town, I don’t have a car and I have $20 to my name.  All I can do is monitor him and treat any symptoms that I see and the morbid task of looking up what I should do if he passes away before my husband returns.

Every rabbit is different and they all have certain likes and dislikes.  Rabbits can be extremely shy or aggressive or snugglebunnies.  The personality can also change depending on the owner and when you have a rabbit that trusts you then you have a great friend.  You will have an animal that has enough force of will to tell you when you have upset them and then sit down with you and groom you if you feel bad.  They are prey animals and pick up on every aspect of your body language.  They also teach you to watch them (and others) so that you can communicate better.  They live with the constant stress that they could be lunch at any moment but they never let the fear of others entirely stop their lives.  They are amazing animals.

I am happy that I had and have these rabbits but I can’t write any more at this time.

About a week ago I got an email from a name that was slightly familiar but I thought was probably forged or something like that.   A friend of mine said that the person’s email address had been stolen.  The email was hacked and the password was changed.  The hacker was then trying to pass himself or herself (as I don’t want to imply that women can’t also be lying cheating thieves) as the person to whom the email originally belonged.  The scammer said that he or she was the person and had been mugged and desperately needed help.  As I don’t even know the real person it would be absurd for me to be contacted in a time of crisis anyway.  (Because I do not know the person I have changed the name used as I don’t want an innocent name splashed all over like this.)

Anyway, I replied.  We aren’t finished yet and I will update this as replies are sent, which should be daily.  Click the link to read  the entirety what has happened so far.

Scam Bait

Sharktopus is a beautiful movie.  The sharktopus is on the screen within the first 4 minutes of the movie and it begins its out of control rampage within the first 9 minutes.  Roger Corman and SyFy you are brilliant.  These are the lessons I learned from watching Sharktopus.

1. If you are going to try to control your deadly experimental hybrid animal with a head mounted electronic device be sure that the device is mounted very securely and can’t just be shaken off. 
2. The octopus half of the sharktopus is a territorial creature.  Apparently the native territory of the sharktopus isn’t the lab where it was created rather it is Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
3. Roger Corman hates Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.  However, Roger Corman likes sharks.  (Check out Dinoshark.)
4. If you call your experimental sharktopus S11 you have 10 prequels just ready and waiting.
5. Military scientists never start small.  They don’t start out perfecting their control techniques on a rabmunk (rabbit/chipmunk) or a starinnow (starfish/minnow).  They think big and jump straight to the sharktopus or liosnake. 
6. Even if you just created your experimental hybrid animal weapon yesterday the real sea hardened sailors have already heard about it and have decided its the worst way to die. (“No!  Not like this!”)
7. Neither a shark nor an octopus can breathe air.  A sharktopus can.  It can also walk on land with its tentacles. So, be careful if you’re on the beach. 
8. Just like a ninja a sharktopus can be everywhere at once and can appear without warning (like that one scientist’s British accent).
9. A sharktopus can make noises like a whale, a cow, some sort of gurgling noise and they can roar.
10. The only thing a sharktopus hates more than bikini clad girls on spring break in Mexico are people who say “there is no such thing as a sharktopus”.