

To: University of Phoenix, Psychology Department -

I recently took a trip to Phoenix, Arizona. It was warm there even at the end of January, unlike Selden, NY (I live off of
Middle Country Road right by the Taco Bell). I was in Arizona to say hello to my special friends, I only have three of
them but travel often enough that I thought I should visit them. That's how I got my nickname "World Travelling Steve

During that visit I had breakfast with one friend, who grudgingly rolled out of bed at the crack of noon. That is when I
stumbled upon this theory. I'm sending this to you, since after reading your profile you are now the most qualified
person I know. We had breakfast at IHOP because they serve breakfast all day.

My special friend ordered the stuffed french toast combo with sausage AND bacon, orange juice and coffee. I think the first
time I ordered something like hashbrowns, bacon and coffee. Later that week my special friend and I went out to eat at
IHOP again. He ordered the same thing! I had the oatmeal and orange juice. The oatmeal wasn't on the menu but I took a
chance and ordered it anyway.

I started to wonder about my special friend. He ordered the same thing twice. I started to really listen to him talk and I
began to think he was nuts. Of course, now I know he's nuts. I don't think that's the medical term for it. But I started
to figure that craziness can be diagnosed from the IHOP menu. Can a person who orders sausage AND bacon really be
considered mentally stable?

Maybe this could be a new diagnostic tool that will revolutionize the mental health profession! Just take someone into your
office twice and have them order off the IHOP menu. Think of all the time and money everyone would save.

I hope to hear from you soon. Have a good evening.

World Travelling Steve Wilson
